Evaluation of Online Learning Program in Islamic Education Management Study Program
Pembelajaran Online, Evaluasi ProgramAbstract
This study aims to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of online learning in the Islamic Education Management Study Program at IAIN Parepare. This type of research is program evaluation research using a qualitative approach. The evaluation model used by the author in this study is the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) evaluation model by emphasizing research on input (infrastructure, human resources) and process (planning, implementation and assessment of lecturers). The types and sources of data used are primary data in the form of observations and interviews with lecturers and students of MPI study program. Secondary data is in the form of lecturer RPS documents, MPI student data or other references. Data collection techniques used by the author are observation, interviews, documentation and distribution of questionnaires as additional data. The results of this study indicate that the online learning program at the Islamic Education Management Study Program at IAIN Parepare is still less effective and efficient. This is because there are many obstacles experienced by students and lecturers during online lectures, such as platforms or applications that are heavy and complicated, require a strong network, take up a lot of quota, and it is difficult for students to understand the material.
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